Lecture 1: Our Place in the Universe

Lecture 1:
  1. Slide: Welcome: But I'm NOT Prof. Rebecca Martin. I just have her slides.
  2. Slide: Bennett Textbook: See Canvas for instructor information about the textbook.
  3. Slide: Watch the lectures: In intro astronomy, we mostly just look at images them and the instructor explicates. The other learning modes (reading and self-testing) are vital---in all courses.
  4. Slide: Sylllabus: See Canvas.
  5. Slide: Quizzes: See Canvas.
  6. Slide: Exams and Final: See Canvas.
  7. Slide: Our place in the universe: Note the foreground star---it has points and so is over-exposed.
    1. File: Cosmology file: infinity_eternity.html.
    2. File: Galaxies file: hubble_ultra_deep_field.html.
    3. File:Webb's First Deep Field (adjusted).jpg. See also Wikipedia: James Webb Space Telescope: Gallery.
  8. Slide: The Sun:
    1. File: Sun file: sun_structure_cutaway.html.
    2. File: Sun file: solar_atmosphere_videos.html.
    3. File: Sun file: sun_evolution.html.
    4. File: Sun file: sun_red_giant.html.
    5. File: Solar System file: solar_composition.html
  9. Slide: Planet:
    1. File: Solar System file: table_solar_system_planets.html.
    2. File: Solar system file: solar_system_inner.html.
    3. File: Solar System file: trans_neptunian_objects_distribution.html.
    4. File: Solar System file: videos_solar_system.html.
  10. Slide: Moon:
    1. File: Solar System file: moons_interesting.html
    2. File: Jupiter moons file: jupiter_galilean_moons_collage.html.
    3. File: Jupiter moons file: jupiter_galilean_moons_resonance.html.
    4. File: Jupiter moons file: jupiter_inner_moons.html.
    5. File: Jupiter moons file: jupiter_moon_videos.html.
    6. File: Moon map file: moon_map_side_near.html.
  11. Slide: Asteroid:
    1. File: Asteroid file: asteroid_collage.html.
    2. File: Asteroid file: 243_ida.html.
    3. File: Asteroid file: 1950_da_orbit.html.
    4. File: Asteroid file: asteroid_videos.html.
  12. Slide: Comet:
    1. File: Comet file: comet_lovejoy.html.
    2. File: Comet file: videos_comets.html.
  13. Slide: Solar System:
    1. File: Solar System file: table_solar_system_planets.html.
  14. Slide: Nebula:
    1. File: Star Formation file: eagle_nebula_large_noao.html.
    2. File: Star Formation file: eagle_nebula_hst.html.
    3. File: Post-main-sequence file: planetary_nebula_ring.html.
    4. File: Post-main-sequence file: planetary_nebula_cats_eye.html.
  15. Slide: Galaxy:
    1. File: Galaxies file: galaxy_andromeda_m31.html.
    2. File: Galaxies file: m31_002_noao_moon.html.
    3. File: Galaxies file: galaxy_whirlpool.html.
    4. File: Galaxies file: milky_way_videos.html.
  16. Slide: Universe:
    1. File: Cosmology file: infinity_eternity.html.
    2. File: Galaxies file: hubble_ultra_deep_field.html.
    3. File:Webb's First Deep Field (adjusted).jpg. See also Wikipedia: James Webb Space Telescope: Gallery.
    4. File: Cosmology file: cosmos_artist_conception.html.
    5. File: Cosmology file: observable_universe_cartoon.html.
    6. File: Cosmology file: cosmos_energy_pie_chart.html.
    7. File: Cosmology file: cosmos_history.html.
    8. File: Cosmology file: cosmos_expansion.html.
    9. File: Cosmology file: large_scale_structure_videos.html.
  17. Slide: Scientific Notation:
    1. File: Relativity file: light_speed_earth_moon.html.
  18. Slide: Powers of Ten:
    1. File: Unit file: metric_world.html.
    2. File: Unit file: metric_prefix.html.
  19. Slide: Earth size:
    1. File: Moon Diagram file: moon_numbers.html. There Earth numbers too.
  20. Slide: Sun size:
    1. File: Sun file: sun_basics.html.
  21. Slide: Solar system size:
    1. Nix.
  22. Slide: Galaxy size: A anonymous galaxy seen edge-on in false color??? It's disk is ∼ 30 kpc.
    1. Nix.
  23. Slide: Observable universe
    1. File: Cosmology file: observable_universe_cartoon.html.
  24. Slide: Light-year
    1. File: Cosmology file: large_scale_structure_z_0x035.html.
  25. Slide: Far away means back in time? The farther you look out, the farther back in cosmic time. The time since a light signal started out is called lookback time. But it's not a direct observable beyond the local observable universe.
    1. File: Cosmology file: cosmos_distance_z_10000.html.
  26. Slide: The Scale of the Solar System I:
    1. File: Solar System file: planet_sun.html.
  27. Slide: The Scale of the Solar System II:
    1. Nix.
  28. Slide: How many stars are in the Universe: They mean the observable universe.
    1. Nix.
  29. Slide: How did we come to be? I:
    1. File: Cosmology file: cosmos_history.html.
    2. File: Cosmology file: large_scale_structure_videos.html.
  30. Slide: How did we come to be? II:
    1. Nix.
  31. Slide: How did we come to be? III:
    1. Nix.
  32. Slide: How did we come to be? IV:
    1. File: Astronomer file: carl_sagan.html.
  33. Slide: How do our lifetimes compare to the age of the universe?
    1. File: Art_m file: mayfly.html.
  34. Slide: Universe Timeline
    1. radioactive dating.
  35. Slide: How is Earth moving through space? I
    1. Nix.
  36. Slide: How is Earth moving space? II
    1. Nix.
  37. Slide: How is our Sun moving in the Milky Way?
    1. Nix.
  38. Slide: How do galaxies move within the universe?
    1. File: Cosmology file: cosmos_expansion.html.
  39. Slide: Are we every still?
    1. File: Mechanics file: frame_reference_hierarchy_astro.html.
  40. Slide: How has the study of astronomy affected human history? Well, up to the last 400 years mainly through astrology. It's why astronomy was funded.
    1. File: Art_a file: astrologer.html.
  41. Slide: Chapter 1 Summary
    1. Nix.