Kellermann's Kollectionn of Helpful Trial Background Books on:
Last Updated 08/27/97

  1. Busch, Frederick. (1991). Closing Arguments. New York: Ticknor & Fields.

  2. Cotchett, Joseph W., & Rothman, Frank. (1988). Persuasive Opening Statements and Closing Arguments. Berkeley, CA: Continuing Education of the Bar--California.

  3. Decof, Leonard. (19??). Opening Statement. ----: Matthew Bender.

  4. Dombroff, Mark A. (1985). Dynamic Closing Arguments. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall.

  5. Harris, Richard, & Murphree, William L. (1994). Hints on Advocacy, Intended for Practitioners in Civil & Criminal Courts, with Suggestions as to Opening a Case, Examination-in-Chief (2nd ed.). Littleton, CO: Fred B. Rothman & Co.

  6. Haycock, Roger, & Sonsteng, John. (1994). Advocacy: Book 2. Opening and Closing: How to Present a Case. St. Paul, MN: West Pub.

  7. Hicks, Frederick C. (Ed.). (1990). Famous American Jury Speeches: Addresses Before Juries & Fact-Finding Tribunals. Littleton, CO: Fred B. Rothman. [reprint]

  8. Holmes, Grace W., & Hiniker, Mary I. (Eds.). (1987). Trial Techniques: Opening Statements & Closing Arguments. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Law School, Institute of Continuing Legal Education.

  9. Krivoshey, Robert M. (Ed.). (1994). Readings in Trial Advocacy and the Social Sciences -- A Four Volume Anthology of Scholarly Articles. Volume 2: Opening Statement, Closing Argument, and Persuasion in Trial Advocacy. New York: Garland Publishing.

  10. Lagarias, Peter C. (1991). Effective Closing Argument. Charlottesville, VA: Michie.

  11. Levin, Fredric G. (19??). Effective Opening Statements: The Attorney's Master Key to Courtroom Victory. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Executive Reports Corp.

  12. Matlon, Ronald J. (1993). Opening Statements: Closing Arguments. San Anselmo, CA: Stuart Allen Books.

  13. Perdue, Jim M. (1989). Who Will Speak for the Victim?; A Practical Treatise on Plaintiff's Jury Argument. Austin, TX: State Bar of Texas.

  14. Stern, Herbert J. (1995). Trying Cases to Win: Vol 4. Summation. New York: John Wiley & Sons.

  15. Toobin, Jeffrey. (1992). Opening Arguments. A Young Lawyer's First Case: United States vs. Oliver North. New York: Viking Penguin.

  16. Walter, Bettyruth. (1988). The Jury Summation as Speech Genre: An Ethnographic Study of What It Means to Those Who Use It. Philadelphia, PA: John Benjamin Pub. Co.

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