Kellermann's Kollectionn of:
Last Updated 08/27/97

  1. Aaseng, Nathan. (1980). Football's Breakaway Backs. Minneapolis, MN: Lerner Pubs.

  2. August, Marilyn, & Tichy, Rose. (1988). Three Great Running Backs. Cleveland, OH: Project LEARN.

  3. Baker, Jim. (1974). The Buffalo Bills: O. J. Simpson, Rushing Champion. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.

  4. Baker, Jim. (1978). O.J. Simpson's Most Memorable Games. New York: Putnam.

  5. Belsky, Dick. (1977). The Juice: Football's Superstar, O.J. Simpson. ----: Random House.

  6. Burchard, Marshall, & Burchard, Sue. (1975). Sports Hero: OJ Simpson. ----: Putnam. [Children's literature]

  7. Deegan, Paul. (1974). O.J. Simpson. ----: Creative Education.

  8. Devaney, John. (1976). O.J. Simpson, Football's Greatest Runner. ----: Warner Books.

  9. Devaney, John. (1986). Winners of the Heisman Trophy. New York: Walker.

  10. Felser, Larry. (1974). O.J. Simpson: Football's Record Rusher. New York: Scholastic Book Services.

  11. Fox, Larry. (1974). The O. J. Simpson Story: Born to Run. New York: Dodd, Mead.

  12. Frink, David. (1993). Juice: The Life of O.J. Simpson. San Diego, CA: Revolutionary Comics. [Sports Legend Comics Series #5]

  13. Gutman, Bill. (1974). Great Running Backs #1: Brown, Simpson, Garrison, Csonka. New York: Grosset & Dunlap.

  14. Gutman, Bill. (197?). O.J. New York: Grosset & Dunlap.

  15. Gutman, Bill. (1977). Football Superstars of the '70s. New York: Julian Messner..

  16. Hill, Raymond. (1975). O. J. Simpson. New York: Random House Books for Young Readers.

  17. House of Collectibles. (1982). The Official O.J. Simpson Price Guide to Football Cards. ----: House of Collectibles.

  18. Jameson, Jon. (1977). O.J. Simpson. ----: Franklin Watts.

  19. Jameson, Jon. (1978). The Picture Life of O. J. Simpson. New York: Avon.

  20. Libby, Bill. (1974). O.J.: The Story of Football's Fabulous O.J. Simpson. ----: Putnam Pub.

  21. May, Julian. (1977). O.J. Simpson: Juice on the Gridiron (rev. ed.). Mankato, MN: Crestwood House.

  22. Morse, Ann. (1976). Football's Great Running Back, O. J. Simpson. ----: Creative Education.

  23. Schmitz, Dorothy Childers. (1978). O. J. Simpson: The Juice is Loose. Mankato, MN: Crestwood House.

  24. Simpson, O. J. (with Pete Axthelm). (1970). O. J.: The Education of a Rich Rookie. New York: Macmillan.

  25. Welch, Roger. (1977). The O.J. Simpson Project (an exhibition). Calgary, Alberta: Alberta College of Arts.

  26. Young, Andrew Sturgeon Nash. (1969). Black Champions of the Gridiron: O. J. Simpson & Leroy Keyes. Orlando, FL: Harcourt Brace.

  27. ------------. (1994). O.J. Simpson: American Hero. New York: Kensington Pub.

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