Known Errata for

"The Physics of Gamma-Ray Bursts" (Cambridge University Press) by Bing Zhang

* p139, two lines below (3.91), after the last $\propto$ sign, the index of $\nu$ should be $-\hat\beta$, not $\hat\beta$.

* p157, above (4.67): The line should read "Let us define the specific enthalpy (enthalpy per particle)" (remove two `density' words).

* p159, Eq.(4.89), there should be a pair of parenthses to enclose $\hat\gamma-1$ in the denominator.

* p192, two lines below Eq.(5.34), last formula, the factor $(2b-1)$ in the numerator should be $(2b-1)^2$.

* p202, Eq.(5.78): $h \nu'$ should be in the numerator rather than in the denominator.

* p212, Eqs.(5.128), (5.129) and (5.130), there should be a $\sim$ sign after $\frac{L_{IC}}{L_{syn}}$ for all three equations.

* p214, Eq.(5.143): it should be $e + \gamma \right\leftharpoons e + \gamma + \gamma$ (change p to e).

* p217, Eq.(5.161): $m_0^2$ should be $m_0$.

* p218, Eq.(5.171): $\ln | \gamma_\pm - \sqrt{\gamma^2_{\pm} - 1} |$ should be $\ln | \gamma_\pm + \sqrt{\gamma^2_{\pm} - 1} |$.

* p219, Eq.(5.175): first line, both $m_0$ and $m$ should be $m_e$.

* p225, Above 6.2 add: "On the other hand, the quark number is conserved."

* p242, below Eq.(7.30): `specific enthalpy density' should be `specific enthalpy' (remove `density').

* p252, Eq.(7.87): $t_{dec}^{-1/4}$ should be $t_{dec,2}^{-1/4}$.

* p263, Eq.(7.128): it should be $(1+\sigma) \propto r^{-1/3}$ (change -2/3 to -1/3).

* p287, Eq.(8.86): to make it consistent with (8.85), $\gamma$ should be replaced by $(\Gamma-1)$, $\epsilon_e$ should be replaced by $\frac{\epsilon_e}{\xi_e}$.

* p296, Two lines below 8.3.2, $t \propto r^{1/2}$ should be $r \propto t^{1/2}$.

* p298, Eq.(8.129) and Eq.(8.132): `R' should be `r'.

* p321, the line before Eq.(8.235), $B' \propto p_3$ should be $B' \propto p_3^{1/2}$.

* p365, Eq.(9.31): $F_{BB}^{ob}$ should be $F_{bb}^{ob}$.

* p476, Eq.(12.5): $dt$ in the denominator should be $c dt$.