from pylab import * import scipy.interpolate """ Script to plot equilibrium curves of AGN1/2, which allows assessing thermal instability properties. Also plotted are contours of constant cooling; these rates determine the sizes of the clouds that can form. Contours are evaluated more accurately using interpolation of the data tables. Either unpack the tarball DPKW19_tables.tar in the same dir as this script, or update datapath to the location of the tables To run from a terminal, do >> python To run using ipython, do >> run - A script originally due to Randall Dannen that has been modified and documented by Tim Waters on 12/5/2018 """ #---------------------------------------------------- # INPUTS #---------------------------------------------------- N = 400 # number of interpolation points datapath = 'DPKW19_tables/' datafile1 = datapath + 'AGN1_net.dat' datafile2 = datapath + 'AGN2_net.dat' datafile1c = datapath + 'AGN1_cooling.dat' datafile2c = datapath + 'AGN2_cooling.dat' title = 'AGN1/2 Equilibrium and Cooling Contours' # flag to make x-axis log(Xi), with Xi the # 'pressure photoionization parameter' USE_BIG_XI = 0 #---------------------------------------------------- # load tables and unpack T and xi #---------------------------------------------------- # load net cooling rates data1 = np.genfromtxt(datafile1) data2 = np.genfromtxt(datafile2) # extract axes - same for all tables Nx = data1.shape[1] - 1 Ny = data1.shape[0] - 1 x_data = np.log10(data1[0,1:]) # first row of values y_data = np.log10(data1[1:,0]) # first column of values # load cooling rates also data1c = np.genfromtxt(datafile1c) data2c = np.genfromtxt(datafile2c) #---------------------------------------------------- # duplicate T and xi many times over (neeeded # for interpolation routine) and upack the rates #---------------------------------------------------- Nv = Nx*Ny x_data_train = np.zeros(Nv) y_data_train = np.zeros(Nv) z1 = np.zeros(Nv) z2 = np.zeros(Nv) z1c = np.zeros(Nv) z2c = np.zeros(Nv) for i in range(Ny): x_data_train[i*Nx:(i+1)*Nx] = x_data[:] ys = np.ones(Nx)*y_data[i] y_data_train[i*Nx:(i+1)*Nx] = ys # net cooling rates z1[i*Nx:(i+1)*Nx] = data1[1+i,1:] z2[i*Nx:(i+1)*Nx] = data2[1+i,1:] # cooling rates z1c[i*Nx:(i+1)*Nx] = data1c[1+i,1:] z2c[i*Nx:(i+1)*Nx] = data2c[1+i,1:] # define pressure photoionization parameter, big Xi if USE_BIG_XI: c = 3e10 kb = 1.380658e-16 bigXi_values = 10**x_data_train/(4.*np.pi*c*kb*10**y_data_train) x_data_train = np.log10(bigXi_values) #---------------------------------------------------- # generate the interpolation points #---------------------------------------------------- # new axes on which to interpolate x_vals = np.linspace(x_data_train.min(),x_data_train.max(),N) y_vals = np.linspace(y_data_train.min(),y_data_train.max(),N) # Generate grid data for our interpolation points. z1_grid = scipy.interpolate.griddata((x_data_train,y_data_train), z1, (x_vals[None,:], y_vals[:,None]), method='linear') z2_grid = scipy.interpolate.griddata((x_data_train,y_data_train), z2, (x_vals[None,:], y_vals[:,None]), method='linear') z1c_grid = scipy.interpolate.griddata((x_data_train,y_data_train), z1c, (x_vals[None,:], y_vals[:,None]), method='linear') z2c_grid = scipy.interpolate.griddata((x_data_train,y_data_train), z2c, (x_vals[None,:], y_vals[:,None]), method='linear') #---------------------------------------------------- # make the contour plot #---------------------------------------------------- # net cooling contours eq1_contour = contour(10**x_vals,10**y_vals,z1_grid,levels=[0],colors='k') eq2_contour = contour(10**x_vals,10**y_vals,z2_grid,levels=[0],colors='k',linestyles='--') # cooling contours c_rates = [1e-26, 1e-25] eq1c_contour = contour(10**x_vals,10**y_vals,z1c_grid,levels=c_rates,colors=['c','b']) eq2c_contour = contour(10**x_vals,10**y_vals,z2c_grid,levels=c_rates,colors=['c','b'],linestyles='--') # step that shouldn't be necessary eq1_contour = eq1_contour.collections[0] eq2_contour = eq2_contour.collections[0] eq1c_contour = eq1c_contour.collections[0] eq2c_contour = eq2c_contour.collections[0] plt.setp(eq1_contour,linewidth=2) plt.setp(eq2_contour,linewidth=2) plt.setp(eq1c_contour,linewidth=1,label='AGN1, cooling =' + str(c_rates[-1])) plt.setp(eq2c_contour,linewidth=1,label='AGN2, cooling = ' + str(c_rates[-1])) plt.legend(loc='best') # limits xmin,xmax = 10**x_vals[0],10**x_vals[-1] ymin,ymax = 10**y_vals[0],10**y_vals[-1] xlim(xmin,xmax) ylim(ymin,ymax) # labels if USE_BIG_XI: tag = '_Xi' x_string = r'$\Xi$' else: tag = '_xi' x_string = r'$\xi$' xlabel(x_string,fontsize=16) ylabel('Temperature [K]',fontsize=16) xscale("log") yscale("log") plt.title('AGN1 (solid lines) and AGN2 (dashed lines)') savefig('AGN1and2_contours' + tag + '.png') show()