Syllabus for Physics 711  Electromagnetic Theory I

TuTh 4:00 -5:15, BPB 250

Instructor Dr. Zygelman BPB 227, Phone 1321

Office Hours TuTh BPB 227,  3-4  PM ; email:

Text:  Classical Electromagnetism in a Nutshell, Anupam Garg, Princeton University Press.


Course Policy on Grading: Homework assignments will be collected and graded on a Pass/Fail basis. Two midterm exams account for 30 % each,  and a final 2 hour exam determines 40% of grade. The letter grade will be based on a curve of the class average of exam grades. Homework assignment average (P/F) will determine grades that are bordeline (e.g. exam average of C+ will translate into a B-  by satisfactory HW and class participation outcomes.) Homework assignments will be announced in class, as well as the mid-term schedule. Typically the latter are given in eraly October and mid-November respectively.

Course Outline  & Learning Outcomes


Text Reading


Chapter 1

Review of mathematical concepts

Chapter  2

Electrostatics I

Chapter  3

Electrostatics II Chapter 13
Electrostatics III Chapter 14
Magnetostatics I Chapter 4
Magnetostatics II Chapter 16

Supplementary Texts:

Classical Electrodynamics, J. D. Jackson,  3rd Edition,  Wiley-Interscience, John Wiley and Sons.

The Mathematica Book,  Stephen Wolfram, Cambridge University Press

Homework assignments will not be accepted after due date. Handwritten assignments will not be accepted, possible computer generated formats include Mathematica, Latex, Google Docs etc.

                                                                                        UNLV  Policies

Academic Misconduct – Academic integrity is a legitimate concern for every member of the campus community; all share inupholding the fundamental values of honesty, trust, respect, fairness, responsibility and professionalism. By choosing to join the UNLV community,students accept the expectations of the Academic Misconduct Policy and are encouraged when faced with choices to always take the ethical path. Studentsenrolling in UNLV assume the obligation to conduct themselves in a manner compatible with UNLV’s function as an educational institution.

An example of academic misconduct is plagiarism. Plagiarism is using the words orideas of another, from the Internet or any source, without proper citation of the sources. See the Student Academic Misconduct Policy (approved December 9, 2005) located at:

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Religious Holidays Policy – Any student missing class quizzes, examinations, or any other class or lab work because ofobservance of religious holidays shall be given an opportunity during that semester to make up missed work. The make-up will apply to the religiousholiday absence only. It shall be the responsibility of the student to notify the instructor no later than the end of the first two weeks of classes,September 7, 2012, of his or her intention to participate in religious holidays which do not fall on state holidays or periods of class recess. This policyshall not apply in the event that administering the test or examination at an alternate time would impose an undue hardship on the instructor or the university which could have been avoided. For additional information, please visit:

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